Appendix 3: Equality Impact and Outcome Assessment (EIA) Template - 2019


1.      Equality Impact and Outcomes Assessment (EIA) Template


Title of EIA

Flyposting enforcement measures

ID No.



Cityclean, City Environment

Focus of EIA

Under Section Under Section 43 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014, Community Protection Warnings (CPWs) and Community Protection Notices (CPNs) can be issued to an individual aged 16 or over, or a body, if satisfied on reasonable grounds that: a) the conduct of the individual or body is having a detrimental effect, of a persistent or continuing nature, on the quality of life in the locality, and b) the conduct is unreasonable.


It is considered that flyposting:

·        is having a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the locality: this activity is criminal and anti-social and can lead to other anti-social activities such as graffiti

·        is a persistent or of a continuing nature: even after posters and stickers are removed, they do reappear meaning council resources are continually used to remove them

·        is unreasonable: fly-posting and stickering is unlawful and the council has to use its limited budgets to continually pay for its removal


By issuing CPWs and CPNs to the individuals and bodies responsible for the flyposting, the council can seek to improve the cleanliness of the city as this is a much more cost-effective way than issuing FPNs.



2.                 Update on previous EIA and outcomes of previous actions


What actions did you plan last time?

(List them from the previous EIA)

What improved as a result?

What outcomes have these actions achieved?

What further actions do you need to take? (add these to the Action plan below)



3.      Review of information, equality analysis and potential actions


Groups to assess

What do you know?

Summary of data about your service-users and/or staff

What do people tell you?

Summary of service-user and/or staff feedback

What does this mean?

Impacts identified from data and feedback (actual and potential)

What can you do?

All potential actions to:

·   advance equality of opportunity,

·   eliminate discrimination, and

·   foster good relations


No disproportionate impacts have been identified for this group





No disproportionate impacts have been identified for this group




Gender reassignment

No disproportionate impacts have been identified for this group




Pregnancy and maternity

No disproportionate impacts have been identified for this group





Including migrants, refugees and asylum seekers

No disproportionate impacts have been identified for this group




Religion or belief

No disproportionate impacts have been identified for this group





No disproportionate impacts have been identified for this group




Sexual orientation

No disproportionate impacts have been identified for this group




Marriage and civil partnership

No disproportionate impacts have been identified for this group




Community Cohesion

No disproportionate impacts have been identified for this group




Other relevant groups





Cumulative impact





Assessment of overall impacts and any further recommendations

No data is held on the individuals that put up fly-posts. Generally, the fly-posts tend to be on behalf of venues and promoters. No data is held on the types of venues and promoters.


There are no identified adverse or disproportionate effects on protected groups and all communities should benefit long term from reduced environmental crime as a result of introducing CPWs and CPNs for fly-posting.


All groups have a need for a consistent council response to offenders of fly-posting. Some groups may not understand the rules relating to fly-posting, therefore accessible and clear communication and education is an important tool for a reducing offending rates.



4.      List detailed data and/or community feedback that informed your EIA


Title (of data, research or engagement)


Gaps in data

Actions to fill these gaps: who else do you need to engage with?

(add these to the Action Plan below, with a timeframe)

Flyposting and stickering public consultation

From 8 June to 14 August 2022




5.      Prioritised Action Plan


Impact identified and group(s) affected

Action planned

Expected outcome

Measure of success


NB: These actions must now be transferred to service or business plans and monitored to ensure they achieve the outcomes identified.

Whilst there are no actions related to specific Groups of people, the following actions will be completed:

All groups

Update the Environment Enforcement Framework stating the new offence

Information provided on the new enforcement measures

A reduction in the volume of fly posting across the city

The number of CPWs and CPNs issued

The website will be updated subject to approval from committee

Enforcement action taken will be monitored on an ongoing basis

All groups

Update the council website with clear and accessible information on the new offence